Saturday, May 16, 2009

Break Up To Make Up

Some of my friends may have known that me and my significant other have been apart since January of this year. The last 5 months we been working together at our relationship to make it work. It was only then that in those 5 months that i realized at how much i took alot of shit for granted. Today, the love of my life told me she met someone else and they hooked up yesterday. Yeah, i was heart broken or whateva them emo kids call that. But you know i was cool with it. She drove out to Compton just to see me and talk about whats going on between us and to make sure I was doing ok. We watched SNL from last Saturday that I P2P. After SNL ended we had a deep conversation about our future together as well as whats going to happen after today. Apparently we both want to be with each other but somethings have to happen in order to make our relationship work properly. After we had our deep discussion about the future of our relationship, we laided there in my bed holding each other laughing about the good old times and how one day we will be together again. So if you see me on the streets dont ask me about her. Simply demand what the fuck im doing to get her back. All constructive criticism appreciated.

1 comment:

Linda Vanessa Tovar said...

i have mad respect for both you and denise.. You know me and roger are in that same position... We just recenlty got on a break so that we can get our shit together..
also, for me, being in a serious relation since 9th grade, i felt it was time for a break!!
SERIOUSLY. My only advice to you is to be true to yourself and your feelings. if when ever you need a friend... you got me Brucey.